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Wednesday, January 20, 2010

People Are People Shoes

Yes, I fess up, I like shoes! I mean, I love SHOES! But the thing is, I don't want to spend much on them, so the solution is, Bargain Hunt. =)

This is Chuck, from my Salescapade with Converse on top of other pairs in their boxes, with thumbnails, so I won't get lost. =)
Soon, I am gonna have to get Clear Shoe boxes, like the ones below, to make it easier for me, and for the aesthetic value of it, hahaha. Saw one in Greenhills, but they go for P50 each, way too pricey for me. Am gonna look for it in Tutuban, but if you know one, let me know. =)

So, I was on my Birthday mood last week and really alloted money for buying something for myself. Alas, we were back again in People Are People, the outlet store. Check out my post Outlet StorePeople are People on how to go there.
And then I found this pair!!!!

The Best thing: it's only P999. This time , the "Should I" or "Should I not" unending debate, did not happen, since it's way too cheap and I have alloted money for it.
On the same store, but on another day, I also decided to get this pair from PRP, again for only, P999.

I have my shoes piled on top of each other at my room, so I'd know which one to use for which day of work. I only use frequently, the last pair that I bought, for about a week, then I go on my routine of having them used every other day. That way, they don't get too bumped up and look too used.
Other stores I've gotten my shoes from:
  1. Traffic
  2. Pedro
  3. Kickers
  4. Diesel

Til the next shoe! Hmmm, there already is a new one... check it out... for only P600 =) Bargain challenge!


  1. hey. let me know if you found the clear shoe box. ill buy some too. love this article. =)

  2. will do. =) If I can't see it anywhere else, ill settle for the Ghills.

  3. thanks. your site is sooo addicting!


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